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Our Spice Food & Wine Series Needs Your Feedback

We’re bringing FALL INTO SPICE back again… well, SPRING INTO SPICE, but you know what I mean, and we need your help!

We’re at a divide on the last cuisine choice, and that’s where you come in. It would help to get your pick on what cuisine you want to see paired with wine at SPRING INTO SPICE.

Please take 1 minute to gingerly answer the questions on the form directly below.

Thank you for your feedback and helping us make Spring Into Spice a success!


Sheryl-Ann Mayers
Sheryl-Ann Mayers
Nov 25, 2021

Love this wine! It pairs lovely with my oxtail and rice&peas!


Sheryl-Ann Mayers
Sheryl-Ann Mayers
Nov 25, 2021

Fitapreta wine is one of my favourites!It is reminiscent of my time in Portugal! It pairs lovely with grilled pork belly!

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